Product Owner Master Track Request a proposal

Product Owner Master Track

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Lead the change as a team of Product Owners.

Want to improve Agile Product Management and Product Ownership? This track will give you tools for making better decisions and involving your stakeholders more closely. The track focuses on your team’s practice. You obtain a rich collection of tools and best practices. We combine learning and working and apply these tools directly to your situation. Experienced trainers translate theory into practice. The track is ideal for developing a shared vision, of content and process, together with the other Product Managers and Product Owners in your organization.

The Challenges of Agile Product Management

You have an influential role as a Product Manager or Product Owner. You are responsible for the more significant decisions in product development. Your team invests a sizable hourly budget. To make those investment decisions well, you want to have an overview of the landscape of requirements and interests. 

Your decisions affect many people. You can sometimes feel alone and uncertain in the game of interests and expectations. Knowing how well you are doing seems complicated, and the pressure of responsibility is high.

Participants in this program say they have become a closer team. They seek each other out as sparring partners and share the pressure.

Increase your leverage as an advanced Product Owner.

Investing in skills has a short payback when your leverage is this high. Well-educated Product Owners create twice as much Return On Investment. They handle budgets and hours of development teams more efficiently. Therefore, investing in best practices, tools, and thinking frameworks pays off within weeks. The proof: thanks to this Product Owner Master track, ONVZ was able to drive more measurable value. You get more grip on innovation and are a solid discussion partner for top management.

A program focused on the characteristics of successful Product Owners

The program is spread over six days, with accents according to the participants’ preferences. In those six days, we provide concrete tools to build on the traits of Successful Product Ownership. We have started and guided many teams at Scrum Academy. Our insight: You can best develop the following traits as a Product Owner.

  1. You bring clarity and calm: safety, frameworks, vision, and direction.
  2. You know how to create end-to-end value (outcome) for the organization with each sprint.
  3. You can convey the expected value (ROI) of your team’s output.
  4. You take ownership of both successes and setbacks in your team.
  5. You build efficient and effective relationships with your stakeholders and team members.
  6. You know how to motivate the team to innovate intrinsically.
  7. You manage expectations securely and predictably.
  8. Thanks to your overview, you always know how to establish the relationship between the short and long term.
  9. Thanks to constantly collecting and sharing insights, you and your team can produce value faster and faster.

Structure of the training

In a program of six days—or twelve half-days—you will receive training and coaching centered on your practice. There is at least one week between the training days. In the meantime, you put what you have learned into practice. By applying it, you find out what your next learning goal is. Alternating training and practice makes the track dynamic, applicable and interactive. During the track, you get away from the daily pressure. You take the time to work on the big picture of your assignment with new tools. This track will not cost you time. It will get critical work done. 

During the track, you will work with Product Owners and Product Managers who want to develop just as you do. During intervisions, you can exchange knowledge and spar. Co-learning brings you closer together as a team. Individual coaching between sessions is also an option.


  • 6-day expert track
  • Training day every other week
  • Meet with other Product Owners
  • Experienced trainers with a Product Owner background

For whom?

For product owners who know the basics and want to become more proficient at their job.






Course structure
  • 6 days
  • every two weeks
  • spread over half a year
  • Personal coaching
  • Accredible certificate ‘Expert Product Owner’
All aspects of the Product Owner Role
  • the visionary
  • the customer’s representative
  • the entrepreneur
  • the researcher
  • the influencer
  • the decision maker
  • the politician

Training programme

Roadmapping & Forecasting

  • How do I align my goals with those of other teams?
  • How do I get the most out of quarterly/PI planning?
  • How do I schedule the development for the long term?
  • How to use Objectives & Progress Metrics (OPME) as a Product Owner?
  • How do I build and update my roadmap?



Backlog Refinement

  • How much detail do I include in Backlog Items?
  • How do I make Refinement more efficient and more fun?
  • How do I balance operation and innovation?
  • How do I value and prioritize technical debt?

Portfolio Management

  • Building Value-based portfolios of Epics and Themes
  • How do I set priorities?
  • How to make optimal use of the organizational budget?

Research with Analysis, statistics and data

  • How do I organize user research?
  • How do I use A/B testing as a Product Owner?
  • How do I build a KPI Tree?
  • How do I do a strategic gap analysis?

Leadership for Product Owners

  • How well do I do on the 9 Qualities of PO Leadership?
  • How do I build Ownership?
  • What is the base for my personal leadership?
  • How do I develop myself and others?

Decision Making

  • How do I make inclusive decisions?
  • How do I say no politely and clearly?
  • How do I break big decisions into small chunks?
  • How do I deal with uncertainty and risk?
  • How do I ensure that discussions are not repeated over and over again?
  • How do I ensure support for decisions?
  • How do I speed up decisions?

Stakeholder management

  • How do I deal with the different types of stakeholders?
  • How do I ensure openness and transparency?
  • How do I get support for goals?
  • How do I make promises that the team can keep?
  • How can I efficiently share progress and results?
  • How do I convey an idea in an inspiring way?
  • How do I coach my team towards higher productivity?

Learning from your customers

  • How do I quickly get empirical data from the market?
  • What Are Effective Scum Interview Techniques?
  • How do I test and build an MVP with Scrum?
  • How do I strategically incorporate customer needs into my product?
  • Design thinking & empathy
  • Experimental development
  • Lean experiments

Unsure which training suits you best?

Gert-Jan Danenberg

Managing Director & Agile Coach

+31 (0)85 1302117
+31 (0)6 11535207

Call me back

What our participants think of our training

Evert Mijnans
4 months geleden
Hele fijne scrummastertraining gevolgd. Steile leercurve, waarbij theorie en (eigen) praktijk goed in balans waren. Aanrader!

Mourad El Kanfoudi
4 months geleden
Een geweldige ervaring gehad bij de Agile Coach training van Scrum Academy! De training was niet alleen ontzettend leerzaam en interessant, maar ook erg leuk en interactief. De trainer begreep de rol van Agile Coach als geen ander en wist op een prettige manier zowel de theorie als de praktijk tot leven te brengen. Met veel ruimte voor vragen en praktijkoefeningen kon je de opgedane kennis direct toepassen. Het was een gezellige en tegelijkertijd zeer educatieve training. Echt een aanrader voor iedereen die zich wil ontwikkelen als Agile Coach!

Roel van Delden
4 months geleden
Ik heb de training 'Agile Coach 1' gevolgd en die was boven verwachting leuk. Niet alleen omdat ik het ontdekt dat agile coaching zoveel facetten bevat (waar ik heel blij van wordt), maar ook omdat de leraar/ coach Roy echt heel goed was. Ik heb tientallen cursussen en training gevolgd, maar deze is een van de beste! Raad dit zeker aan als je agile coach wilt worden. Wel handig als je goeie kennis of ervaring hebt met agile en/ of scrum.

Schilderink Ontwerpbureau
4 months geleden
Erg tevreden over de Product Owner II Training! Goede trainer met duidelijke uitleg aan de hand van grote flip-overs. Fijne balans tussen theorie, eigen casussen en reflectie.

Kelly Verstraelen
4 months geleden
Interactive and very educational training. Professional trainer with a lot of knowledge and experience.

Nina Soares Dias
9 months geleden
Top training!! Ontzettend veel geleerd, en geen een moment verveeld tijdens de tweedaagse. Mooie mix van interactie en informatie.

Larissa Kilian
11 months geleden
Top Training. Heel interactief en hulpzaam. Alles was heel goed geregeld en gecommuniceerd. Ik zou het zeker aanraden.

Marjolijn Maathuis
11 months geleden
De training Scrum Master 1 van Scrum Academy is een echte aanrader voor iedereen die de rol van scrum master wil leren op een interactieve manier. Leren door doen!

Frederique Kamp
12 months geleden
The OKR training was a true eye opener where a lot of pieces of the puzzle of agile transformation are combined. I highly reccomend this training.
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Our customers

Zij kiezen voor een Agile Transformatie met Scrum Academy

6 redenen
om voor de Product Owner Master Track Training te kiezen

  • Part of the project budget

  • Build your network with other Product Owner

  • Instantly applicable

  • Experienced trainers

  • Datadriven agile

  • Strategic innovation

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